Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Holy Week Announcement

The schedule of services for Holy Week for St. Mary of Grace parish has been posted -- please visit to see it.

In addition, I will be holding Tenebrae at 9 am on Maundy Thursday (April 5) and Good Friday (April 6) in my home chapel -- email me at or call me at (267) 909-3333 for more details. (Tenebrae for Holy Saturday will be sung by the parish at UUCDC at 9:30 pm Friday night.)

We will use the traditional service for Matins and Lauds from the Monastic Diurnal with music from the Monastic Diurnal Noted (both reprinted by Lancelot Andrewes Press) -- the Anglican Breviary has the identical order with slight differences in translation. All are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nigerian Divestment

The Nigerian government is on the verge of passing extremely draconian anti-gay legislation, which would mandate 5-year prison sentences for any expression of homosexuality or support for homosexuality. A coalition of anti-gay people led by Peter Akinola, the leader of the Anglican organization in Nigeria, is behind this horrible legislation.

In the past, divestment has been used against South Africa for its apartheid regime, which helped bring an end to that regime. I would like to see a similar movement for divestment from Nigeria -- and government sanctions as well, including an end to government aid -- if this law is passed, until it is reversed. Similar moves should be taken against other governments with severe anti-gay penalties.

Sorry for Not Blogging

March 5 - 10, I went to Missouri to visit my parents and celebrate my father's 90th birthday. While there, I came down with a nasty cold that sidetracked my blogging.

Also, while some people, like Chris Tessone, are great at blogging daily, I'm just not, so I am reverting to my blogging when I feel like it mentality.