Friday, December 26, 2008

Great conversation on Independent Sacramental Christian issues

Although Alexis Tancibok of Grace Catholic Church mentioned several times that his blog had moved, and had even prodded me into updating my link to his blog on this blog, I somehow neglected to update my RSS feed, and yesterday, I was puzzled to see several entries show up from the old blog address about how to be an entrepreneur. I emailed Alexis, and while waiting for Lyngine and Carol to arrive for Christmas Mass, got his reply that his blog had moved, and was delighted to find a very interesting conversation about OC/IC/ISM/EIEIO issues, to which Lyngine had contributed some quite insightful comments. When she arrived 15 minutes later, and I told her all of this, she was very amused.

Anywho, I encourage you to read this thread. I am mulling over the issues to make some comments of my own, either here or there.


Anonymous said...

hey Tim, thanks for the plug - i look forward to reading your thoughts on this.

Ecgbert said...

The point of the article makes sense but - no offence - a while ago I decided the reason for OC/IC besides modern hot buttons is many/most in it don't really want to leave RC. Simply becoming an Episcopalian would be making that break, in their minds; being OC/IC is easier because it doesn't feel that way.

Anonymous said...

No offence taken - because, YOU're absolutely right (to a reasonable extent - grin)!

I call it "Wannabe-ism" I wanna be an RC priest . . (or an Episcopal priest) and I want it on my terms because I'm not ready to let go/angry/protesting etc . . .but I AM STILL an RC/Episcopalian . . . .

Well, no, in fact, you are not - and you are definitely NOT the moment some idiot in a pointy hat zaps you!

The problem is many of these folks are not willing to BE responsible for their spritual life, moreover, they are unwilling to BE a part of real community - because that means that they would have to be accountable, and responsive to others.

The result of course is disastrous for all sacramental Christians - it creates a mindset in which orders, and the sacred, are personal possessions, a commodity to be aquired and managed as "I" wish it - without any consideration for the affect it has on the wider community.

On the other end of the "extreme" John Plummer has made an interesting observation that for many others the OC/IC community is little more than a half way house for those leaving Christianity all together (to become . . . pagans, or whatever) and they're not quite ready to let go . . so they come to us. This is - I believe - a lamentable situation, and one that creates a whole set of other problematic issues.