Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday Cat Blogging: The Right Paw of Christian Fellowship

When I was growing up in the Baptist denomination, when members transferred their membership from one congregation to another (by "letter", as opposed to by "baptism upon profession of faith"), the pastor would usually invite everyone to come forward and "extend the right hand of Christian fellowship" to them. Of course, some wags would refer to the fairly frequent practice of a pastor being fired as giving the "left foot of Christian fellowship".

So this picture shows Charles extending the right front paw of Christian fellowship to Allie:


Notes in Silence said...

Alas, it appears in the picture that Allie is extending her back left paw in response to Charles. Poor Charles...

Tim Cravens said...

Well, in her case, it might be better to give the back left paw -- when she gives the right front paw of Christian fellowship, she is usually smacking Charles on the head with it. (Which I suppose is not that different from what some human Christians do . . . )